Easter-themed Coloring Pages!

Published in and tagged on by Lindsay

Having an extra day in February was pretty handy, and it’ll be nice when it shows up again in four years. BUT! It’s a new month, which means new coloring pages! Easter manages to sneak into the tail-end of March this year, so both coloring pages are spring and Easter themed! McTuffin makes an appearance in the first page….

McTuffin is a rabbit, but not one with chocolate ears to nibble.

McTuffin is a rabbit, but not one with chocolate ears to nibble.

(You would think that Lydia and Fizzlebit had interacted enough with McTuffin to know he doesn’t have chocolate ears for munching on)

Meanwhile, there’s some non-candy surprises in the Easter eggs that Fizzlebit got in the other coloring page…

Most Easter eggs have candy but sometimes baby chickies sneak in.

Most Easter eggs have candy but sometimes baby chickies sneak in.

If you need even more coloring pages, you can find a stack of them over here!