October Coloring Pages with Sparkle Power!

Published in on by Lindsay

We’re rolling through October, which means its time for another dose of coloring pages! This month, I’m super-stoked that we have a Real House, which means we’ve been able to have Halloween decorations inside and out, and can probably have Trick-or-Treaters to come visit! (Although, if no kids come by, I’m sure we’ll find something to do with that candy we bought). I dressed Lydia and Fizzlebit up just for this occasion, with delightful Sparkle Power!

Sparkle powers create great victory!

Sparkle powers create great victory!

(There’s a chance I’ve been watching a lil’ too much My Little Pony and Sailor Moon lately)

Also, since we’re well into Chapter Four, I’ve also made a coloring page version of Chapter Four’s cover, which channels some old school mystery novel style for sure.

Color the Chapter 4 Cover!

Color the Chapter 4 Cover!

You can download these and a WHOLE SLEW of other coloring pages over here!