Coloring Page Comic Mash-Up!

Published in on by Lindsay

It’s February! The groundhog woke up and left! Valentine candy is almost on clearance! And time for your monthly dose of coloring page goodness! This month, a first – a horizontal/landscaped/not-portraity coloring page. And with good reason, it’s full of PUPPIES.

Lydia & Fizzlebit love tea parties with Princess Puppies!

Lydia & Fizzlebit love tea parties with Princess Puppies!

To celebrate Princess Pups launching as a comic series published through Tapastic, I had Lydia and Fizzlebit meet the Princess Pups for tea for your coloring delight. Naturally, Lydia wants to take this opportunity to ask the monarchial dogs about how they got their status.

ALSO! Even though he’s kinda trying to destroy Lydia’ science project that she worked SO HARD on in the comic at the moment, Mecha Gregory is flying through the sky in this month’s second coloring page. Startling birds, takin’ names, like any baby giraffe in a mech suit would do.

Mecha Gregory likes to fly!

Mecha Gregory likes to fly!

Chapter Four is excitedly hurtling toward it’s ending, so perhaps Lydia can find a way to thwart this whole Mecha Gregory situation?! We’ll soon see!