Fanart Friday (on a Saturday!): Sharknado!

Published in and tagged , on by Lindsay

So I’m always up for a B-level Creature Feature. It has to have very specific qualities of awkward graphics, explosions, few explanations (or really silly ones), and lotsa ridiculous creature-induced death scenes. Which is why when SyFy created their super-bizarre franchise of Sharknado a few years ago, I was hooked. It helps that sharks were also involved: sharks are such bizarre, toothy creatures that have been around for millions of years!

Last year when SyFy did their sequel to Sharknado, I made a point of ordering classy beverages and drawing various Sharknado-inspired doodles as fast as possible and filled a page of my sketchbook with some awesomely crazy shark drawings. This year, I had intentions of doing some other work, but realized I can’t resist the pull that is Sharknado. This movie did not disappoint me in the ridiculous factors (SPOILERS! Sharks were in space, you guys)

If you you haven’t seen any Sharknado movies and enjoy movies that are Just Plain Silly, I highly recommend them. The first 2 happen to still be on Netflix as of this writing, and the 3rd will surely follow eventually. But SyFy will probably be kind enough to marathon them again on an upcoming weekend (maybe even THIS UPCOMING WEEKEND?!?).

Here’s my crazy stack of Sharknado 3 inspired doodles. Some of these might have to turn into fuller illustrations or stickers of some kind. Who can resist baby sharks?